Thursday, January 8, 2015

Welcome to My Timid Travels!

Hello there! I am Foxy the Traveler. I used to call myself the Timid Traveler because when I first started traveling, the idea of leaving the comfort and safety of home terrified me. But the wanderlust within me overcame that timidity and I found that given the right circumstances, I was open to traveling anywhere. I love the idea of traveling around the world, seeing new things, tasting new foods, and experiencing new cultures.

I led a very sheltered life, and until my 20s, I had no understanding of life outside the United States except for a few magical weeks spent in Scotland and Ireland as a teenager. But those experiences of traipsing through ruined castles and seeing the Scottish Highlands made me excited enough to know that I wanted to someday travel to many more foreign destinations.

After college, I began traveling internationally (and domestically), and I haven't stopped. So far, I've been to places like Italy, Switzerland, England, France, Japan, the UAE (Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Fujairah), Denmark, Austria, Germany, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, Ecuador, Galapagos, Peru, and China. I also write blogs occasionally about great sites to see right here in the USA (San Francisco, Alaska, Georgia, Colorado, Yellowstone, etc).

I do want to make something very clear about my travel style. I'm not a backpacker. Don't get me wrong. I have absolutely nothing against backpacking. I love the idea of cheap hostels, street food, budget/local transportation, spending months trekking from one city to another city while being submersed in local culture, but I don't like roughing it. I like privacy, security, comfort, and I don't mind paying a little extra for it. My vacations are limited to 1-2 week stretches, I really need to make the most of my travels and get the biggest bang for my buck.

So, if you are positively afraid of anything that will make you step out of your comfort zone yet you yearn to see the amazing sites of the world, this blog is for you! It doesn't mean that every day while traveling will be like a walk through Disney World (unless of course, you're GOING to Disney World). There is always uncertainty when traveling to any foreign country. The bottom line is...if I can do it, so can you!! Traveling used to terrify me but excite me at the same time. I overcame that fear and have seen some amazing things.

This blog series documents my travels and provides tips for planning, budgeting, packing, etc. Then as I plan for new trips, I will bring you along on my adventures while hopefully inspiring you to go on your own!

There is an amazing world out there! Don't let your fear stop you from seeing it!

Thanks for reading!

- Foxy the Traveler

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