Saturday, January 17, 2015

What to pack and how to pack it!

A lot of what goes into packing depends on what sort of transportation you will have at your destination, and how much traveling from hotel to hotel you’ll be doing while you’re away. Packing, in many ways, reflects the sort of traveler you are. If you intend on staying in one hotel for your entire trip, you might check that giant suitcase since you will only have to transport it to and from the airport. If you’re a city hopper like me, the smaller the bags the better. In my opinion, packing is all about maximizing options in the most efficient manner possible. 

I’m going to divide this post into two sections, “what to pack” and “how to pack” closing with a summary of my favorite baggage do’s and don’ts.

What to pack?

First and foremost (and hopefully most obviously), pack for the climate. Hot? Cold? Sunny? Snowy? Rainy? If you’re going on a ski holiday, skip the shorts and tank tops. No brainer, right? Right. But other things aren’t so obvious. Make a packing list keeping your destination in mind. Start thinking about what to pack as early as possible and keep your list somewhere handy so you can add to it at a moment’s notice. (A note on your smart phone is always handy if you have one.) You never know when you’ll be at the grocery store and suddenly realize that you’ll need to pack bug spray or a travel umbrella. Don’t risk forgetting by the time you get home. If you’re computer savvy, create a master pack list that you can reuse from trip to trip. Naturally you’ll tweak it as appropriate (example: my master pack list always had passports on it though I didn’t need to pack those when we flew to Florida last spring).  Having absolutely everything on one master list will come in handy over and over again.

What are the top things on my master pack list? Passports and color photocopies of your passports (at least 2 copies); leave the originals in a hotel safe and keep the copies in your purse (unless the country requires you by law to keep your passport on you (i.e. Singapore)). Medication: get one of those medicine dividers from walmart and put a couple of doses of over the counter meds just in case (tylenol, imodium, tums, etc). If you come down with a series illness, this won’t help you, but the single dose or two that you packed might come in handy until you can get yourself to a drug store to find more. Motion sickness medicine. Never challenge the strength of your stomach. You might have the stomach of a rock, but the combination of foreign food with a bumpy bus ride or riding backwards on a metro might be a deadly combination. Know yourself and be smart.

Shoes! You might be surprised when I tell you that everyone should pack 3 pairs. Yes, everyone! Men and women alike. This will also depend on the nature of your trip (don’t bring Uggs to the beach) but for the most part, I stick to my claim. Everyone needs to bring 1 sturdy pair of walking shoes (sneakers, hiking boots, etc. depending on your destination), 1 pair of dress shoes that you can still walk in (loafers, ballet flats, sandals), and 1 pair of flip flops (unless you’re going to a super cold climate with no chances of hot tubs, indoor pools, or spas!). I’ve taken this combination of shoes with me everywhere I’ve gone, and I’ve always had happy feet. You might think that dress shoes will just be a waste of space, but again, it depends on where you’re going and what you’re doing. I’m not the type of traveler that plans on doing anything fancy or formal, but sometimes a situation comes up that requires you to dress a little nicer than sneakers. Now if you’re traveling with your husband, boyfriend, brother, or other male companion and you’re thinking to yourself, “He has such big feet! All of those shoes are going to take up so much space!” I hear you friend! I do! I will cover that dilemma in “how to pack”.

Pack a trashbag. As of Day 1 on your trip, you will start accumulating dirty clothes. Trashbags are great for keeping dirty clothes away from your clean clothes. Pack your shoes in grocery bags. If you happen to get mud or gum or something gross on your shoes, have a way to separate them from the rest of your things. Pack 4-6 ziplock sandwich bags. Use these for your toothbrush, loose bar soap, razor, etc. You have no idea how handy these suckers are when you have to check out of a hotel right after showering and all of these things are wet.

One more thought on what to pack. Go easy on the toiletries. Remember that you can only carryon 3oz bottles and those larger liquids have to go in checked bags. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve had bottles explode/leak while on the airplane. Bring the basics, of course: shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, toothpaste, etc. Beyond that, keep it simple. Take bar soap instead of body wash. Take 3oz of your favorite styling product (if you absolutely have to!) and stretch it across your entire trip. Ponytails, braids, buns are your friend! Take one moisturizer if you have to. Skip the mouthwash and the hand sanitizer (though be sure to pack Lysol wipes...I'm serious! These are your best friend in a foreign public restroom!). Pack little or no makeup if you can. Your au natural self is beautiful!! Or, if you absolutely must pack makeup, I limit myself to travel-sized products that fit in a super small pouch. Have you ever gotten that "free gift with purchase" whenever buying makeup? Those are the ones I save for traveling. Bottom line, these types of things take up lots of space and have the potential for a spilling disaster!

How to pack?

A couple key thoughts. Leave your valuables at home. You might love that expensive watch or those diamond earrings, but losing them on travel would be awful. Not to mention flashy jewelry is a huge magnet for petty criminals. If you’re into fashion and trends, buy accessories where you’re going. How fun will it be to buy cute necklaces and scarves to wear while you’re traveling and then be able to tell your friends where you got them the next time they comment on how cute you look?

My biggest packing tip is “pack to trash”! This will help even the most disorganized pack-rat packers to save space. I have often finished packing and thought I had everything that I could possibly need with just enough room to close the zipper. Then my darling husband chimes in with, “hope you don’t plan on buying anything over there, ‘cause there’s no room to bring anything back.” Distraught yet wistful, I look up at him and ask, “Don’t you have any extra room?” Over the years, we have developed a fool-proof pack to trash system. Pack things that you will use/wear on your travels, and trash when you’re done. Pack old underwear and toss it as you wear it. Do the same with socks, undershirts, shoes! Ah ha! Here’s the big man feet shoe trick! On every single trip my husband and I have ever taken, he travels with 3 pairs and comes home with 2 pairs. By taking clothes, shoes, etc. that you plan to discard after wearing on the trip, you will instantly have lots of souvenir room. And we always comically take a “left behind” or “gone but not forgotten” photo of things we discard.
Gone but not forgotten! Big man shoes left behind for souvenirs!
Last but not least, my packing do’s and don’ts.

DO try if at all possible to NOT check luggage. I traveled to Japan for over 2 weeks with a small rolling suitcase and a backpack. We didn’t rough it on that trip by any stretch of the imagination. Checking luggage takes extra time and is very difficult on public transportation. In Rome we waited 2 hours for our checked bags due to a delay. What we didn’t realize then was how lucky we were to have only waited 2 hours. That same day the airport workers went on strike (very common in Europe) and some people went days without their bags.

DON’T pack essentials in your checked bags. If you do check luggage, be sure to have all of your medications, essential toiletries, official documents, money, and at least a change of clothes in your carryon. Some things you can buy anywhere, but you won’t easily replace your meds, cash, etc. if your checked bags get sent somewhere else by mistake.

DO put both carryon’s in the overhead compartment (as long as you’re not flying a discount airline that charges you for overhead space - yes they exist!). I know the airlines always say to put your larger item above you and put your smaller carryon under your seat, but ignore them. If you’re trying to travel with only carryon’s, do you really want to sit for a 7-14 hour flight with a backpack taking up your only leg room? When you get to your seat, pull out your book, ipod, snacks, or even a smaller purse to put in the seat-pocket or under your seat and stick the backpack up top. Hello leg room! (Shh! Don’t tell any flight attendants I just told you this!)

DON’T be afraid to re-wear clothes. If you won’t have access to laundry or don’t want to waste precious vacation hours doing laundry, don’t be afraid to wear things twice; it saves packing space! Don’t re-wear socks or underwear, but things like jeans and bras can easily be worn 3 times on a single trip.

DON’T forget that if you forgot to pack it, you can buy it there…most of the time. Foreign brands might be different and sound strange, but you can buy shampoo, toothpaste, soap, etc. everywhere. You might pay exorbitant prices for special things like suntan lotion or bug spray, so try not to forget those things, but it’s not the end of the world if you do.

Happy packing!!

Thanks for reading!

- Foxy the Traveler

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